
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Remove Vista Optional Features you do not need

If you installed Vista yourself and have experience installing previous Windows OSes, you surely noticed that Vista hardly asks any questions about your computer—and what you plan to do with it—than did prior OSes. Windows Vista makes all kinds of assumptions about your computing habits and the features you may or may not need, and it inevitably installs some overhead that you simply don't need. You can get rid of it. Windows XP had the Add/Remove Windows Features button in the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet, and Vista has something like it.

1. Press the windows key and type in optionalfeatures.exe and press enter
You will see this..

2. Check the list of features. Each feature has a checkbox which, if filled, indicates the feature is installed. If you hover the mouse over a feature, a help tooltip appears to tell you what it is.
3. Uncheck any feature you don't need. Some of the features are headings with a sub-list below them; just click the little + sign to expand.

Here is a tip, if you dont know what it is, you dont need it.

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